Friday, July 31, 2009

New Red Truck

Blog update: a few people have asked me if Marc has a pink truck, and I realized I left everyone hanging! We are happy to report that it is not pink, but fire engine red. On the Sunday after he got it, around 6 at night, he said "Can we go for a family drive in the new truck?" We moved Dylan's carseat, and piled into the new vehicle. Marc told me while we drove around that his dad always took the family for a drive whenever they got a new vehicle. So that's what we did. I thought it was cute.

We drove Marc's truck down to the Grant Park movie last week.

Marc is standing on the "sea of pavers" that got installed at Buckingham Fountain over the winter.

Those of you that know me, know that I LOVE Grant Park movies in the summertime. I was one happy camper Tuesday night.