Confession: Dylan is attracted to doll strollers. At the park, he loves to push them around, and is always taking one little girl's stroller or another. Well, I recently met not one, but two moms of little boys Dylan's age, who said the same thing, and they each went out and just bought their sons their own strollers. So....when I was at a resale shop yesterday, and saw one for $1, I thought why not?
The pictures below are from when Dylan woke up from his nap to discover that a stroller of his own had landed in the dining room. He just stood there and smiled for like 5 minutes.
As you can imagine, Marc is not overly excited about his PINK stroller, but he does admit that Dylan oddly looks very good posing next to it in the picture below.
Emma's Turn to Blog
This is stuff Emma gets to blog.
Lauren and I read *I Survived Hurricane Katrina 2005*. There is a part in
the book were a boy named Barry is goin...