This is actually a shot from a couple of weeks back, but thought it "showed off" my nephew and his visibly proud older sister.
Craig, Nathan and Nicole at the "Meet Nathan Cocktail Party" that some friends of theirs threw for them.
At the party - Nic was just served the blue "Nathan" drink, specially made by Steve.
Post-party bottle.
I gave Olivia these glasses as a silly gift, and she wanted all of us to try them on. Sadly, we realized that this was the only picture we got all weekend of me holding Nathan. Nice.
Olivia was often curious about her little brother.When one of us was holding him, she kept asking, "Can I see him?"
While checking out at the grocery store, the clerk gave Olivia a strand of "Thank You" stickers. She stuck one on Nate. Nicole joked that this was going to be her way of getting thanked in the early years.