Are you near your Kleenex box? Every year, Dylan's preschool goes to Tivoli Bowl - the very cool, oldschool bowling alley in downtown Downers Grove. Dylan had the best time last year bowling with his class, talked about it all year, and then waited with much anticipation for the promised next outing. The day finally arrived.....
.and he woke up with pink eye. After the official diagnosis from the doc, the conversation with Dylan that followed went down pretty much like you'd probably predict. Not...well. It broke our hearts to keep him home on the very day he'd been anticipating for such a long time. So, of course, we assured him that we ourselves would take him there as soon as he got better. And that we did.
If you look closely, you'll actually see a family there (mine) standing under the sign. (I am totally getting recruited for my photography skills.)
Dylan, in all his glorious preschool form. Side note - bowling was one thing that Marc and I had never done together. Until now!