At Starbucks. (Side note: my mom used to french braid my hair growing up. She was so good at it, that other family and friends would come over just to have her braid their hair for special events. While she was here - with me being proud enough that I had hair long enough to actually braid - I asked her to put a little braid in my hair for the day. I felt like I was 6 again.)
Checking out the water feature at Welles Park.
Playing catch.
Mom's birthday was while she was here, so we got to help her celebrate!
Her one birthday request was to be able to watch the Bachelorette finale, so that is exactly what we did. Marc and I don't watch it, but we sure got into that last episode! (Yes, Marc too.)
At Target, buying D a pretzel.
Being silly with Grandma.
Dylan's turn.