Saturday, April 24, 2010

Plan B

We've had a change in our moving/building plans - sort of. As much as we'd like to move forward with our "Plan A" of building and moving to Lockport, the economy's caught up to us, and is affecting Marc's employer's business. We are feeling too unsettled to move forward with building a home in these circumstances, so have decided to hold off on building. "Plan B" is basically to rent - indefinitely - until we figure out our next steps.

It's honestly been a bit hard - just because we were sooo excited, and sooo ready for a house, more space, a yard, etc. But in the meantime, we are incredibly thankful for the apartment God provided (though it's small!). It's a lovely little place in one of our favorite neighborhoods in the city - extremely family friendly. We are enjoying our new 'hood immensely so far.

We know that God is at work, and we are trusting in Him during our time of waiting. We are thankful to know a God who does not leave us on our own, but is a merciful Shepherd who is with us and will be our Guide....

Jeremiah 10:23 "I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps."

Isaiah 40:11: "He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young."