...to be sick. Marc and Dylan are both sick with colds. This obviously means that Dylan and I can't go to any playgroups or moms groups. We have spent many hours indoors these past few days. Here are some things we've been doing to kill the time:
- We played with all - and I mean ALL - our toys.
- Went to Target. D walked around, and I got a Starbucks. (Monday)
- Watched a video.
- Made a tower with toilet paper rolls and Kleenex boxes.
- Tore apart Trader Joe's paper bags. (Nice idea, Sarah H!)
- Picked up some 50 cent toys at a resale shop.
- Went to Target. D walked around, and I got a Starbucks. (Tuesday)
- Watched a video.
- Got out mixing bowls and salad tongs and played the drums.
- Skyped with Nana.
- Looked at pictures of ourselves (well, of Dylan) in IPhoto.
- Created a "Toddler Tunes" playlist on GrooveShark and played nicely with our blocks to the music. (Thank you, Sarah H!)
- Made an elevated walking ramp by pushing the coffee table up against the couch.
- Went to Target. D walked around, and I got a Starbucks. (Wednesday)
- Watched a video.
- Put all the stuffed animals in a pile and dove into them.
- Jumped on Mommy and Daddy's bed.
- Did I mention we went to Target, and watched some videos?