The day began as most Thanksgivings did in my household growing up: with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Suddenly, I realized that Dylan, too, was noticing and enjoying the parade. He was smitten by the big balloons and Sesame Street characters. D is in outfit #1 for the day: his PJ's.

Then we traveled to Papa and Nana's house, where we took pictures for our Christmas card. D is in outfit #2 for the day: his Christmas vest.

We were polite and greeted everyone as they arrived. D is in outfit #3 for the day: his Thanksgiving outfit.

Nana had a special place setting for Dylan, with his own personal placecard and Thanksgiving bib and balloon.
The stage was set for the main event, which, for Dylan, was eating REAL sweet potatoes. (As many of you know, Gerber's sweet potatoes are the ONLY kind of food that Dylan seems to enjoy.) We were excited to give him the real thing.

Drum roll please......

Here, you see the "gag reflex" in action:

I will spare you the next few scenes, but let's just say that it let to outfit #4 for the day: his PJ's.

It was an eventful, but very good, day.
Isn't it great that we have a holiday that revolves around giving thanks? Such a great reminder that God calls us to have that attitude continually and daily. "I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me." Psalm 13:6