It occurs to me that I have not officially shared three exciting pieces of news that have occurred in our life recently. Here they are.....
Sorta Big Announcement #1:
We are moving to the suburbs! At long last, our search is over. We are moving to Downers Grove in a week! (Gulp.) These weeks have been filled with mixed emotions, as we say our good-byes, and at the same time, anticipate the next chapter in our life together. As we look back, we clearly see God's faithfulness, as He closed certain doors and opened new ones, in regard to our housing search. Marc and I look forward to SPACE. Dylan looks forward to the GARAGE DOOR.
Sorta Big Announcement #2:
I am pregnant! Due date: Sept. 27. We continue to be OVER- WHELMED by God's goodness to us, with this gift. As many of you know, the fertility journey has not been an easy one for us, and we were surprised with this amazing news in early January. Words cannot express my excitement, joy, and thankfulness to God and those who prayed for us.
Sorta Big Announcement #3:
And it's a girl!!! We found out this fun (shocking) news just last week. I'm still trying to wrap my arms around this fact. I am so very used to thinking blue, so the idea of hairbows and little ruffle butts (one of my favorite things about girls - those ruffle butts they wear) is still a bit foreign to me. But very fun, nevertheless. :)