Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

I celebrated my 31st birthday on Sunday!

Dylan gave me a card.

Then he walked away.

Family pic on the big day. As always, the picture didn't quite turn out.

I enjoyed a fabulous evening with my husband, out to dinner.

Family chipped in to get me an iPhone for my birthday. Here I am outside the Apple store, acting cool as a cat.

Kristin's Shower

I helped to throw my good friend Kristin's baby shower last Saturday. A very fun day, and Kristin looked gorgeous!

Opening gifts.

Kristin, with her mom and two aunts, who all flew in from out of town.

With her hubby Eric.

Me, Kristin, and Kim, who co-hosted the shower.

Time At The Park

As most of you know, Dylan lives for the outdoors. Here he is, in one of his moments of glory. (Photo credit: Amy Chung)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Boat Day

Dave and Amy invited our small group to enjoy a day on Dave's family's boat. What...a...treat!!

It was a clear day, so we got to enjoy some great views of the city from the water.

The small group girls - Lindsay, me, Amy and Kristin.

A few of us braved the frigid cold water. Above, Marc and Eric are getting their first taste of what the temperature really feels like. Marc kept saying, "It feels like the bottom of my bare feet are walking on snow." When I got in, I understood exactly what he was talking about. It...was...cold.

Kyler did some diving routines for us. J/k. But he was the only one to jump off the top.

Our hosts Dave and Amy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"My First Baseball Game" - A Narration By Dylan

"This is where we're going? You gotta be kidding me. I am so bored. I could not be any more dis-interested in this idea. Somebody please get me out of here."

"Hmm - actually, this is pretty cool. Let me check out the whole scene here."

"A picture? Yeah, yeah -in just a sec. I gotta watch this play first."

"This is awesome. I love this. I love life. Go Sox!"

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Party x2

My friend Tersha and her husband Hans' twins celebrated their birthdays on Friday with a pool party in the backyard. Such a fun morning for the kiddos! Shylah and Koen turned 2.

Dylan LOVED the slide (in photo, upper right), but hated landing in the water, which led to a bit of dilemma and confusion for him.

Koen and Dylan, helping to mow the lawn.

Split Lip

Dylan got his first split lip this past week. He was just walking - on flat ground - and fell. :(

Celebrating Baby Shanks

Baby Boy Shanks is due in October, so Mom and I co-hosted a girls' luncheon to celebrate and help Nic get stocked up on some boy things, while I was out there.

Nicole and me with six of her closest girlfriends.

A few blue items have now entered the Shanks household.

Outside of Newcastle Golf Club, where the luncheon was. It was a gorgeous day (and week) out there.

Check out the view we had of Seattle!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Marc, Dylan and I traveled to Seattle this past week to visit my (pregnant!) sister Nicole, her husband Craig, and 4 yr.-old daughter Olivia. We had a fabulous time. I always love it out there. And there was so much answered prayer in regard to this trip. We are just praising God for such a great time.





I got to watch Olivia (blonde, in white shoes) in her dance class while there. A highlight of my summer! There are few things in life more precious than 4 yr. old little girls dressed up in tu-tus.

Dylan met his first horse. The boys took the kids to Craig's mom's place, where they have a horse and dog.

OE and Dylan petting the "goggy," as Dylan calls him.

D loved Olivia's ball pit.



We visited a coupe of wineries in the Seattle area.

At Columbia Winery.

Doing a tasting at Chateau St. Michelle. (My sister only had a sip.) :)


Outside of Eastlake Church.

Out to dinner in Bellview.