Marc, Dylan and I went to South Dakota last week for my town's all-school reunion and 100th annual Sports Days - a weekend festival of sorts with carnival rides, parade, fireworks, sport competitions, dances, and more. The Ortman side also turned it into a family reunion, so I got to reconnect with soooooo many people. Such a special week!!------------------------------------------

Family and friends watching the parade from our driveway.

Moments after Dad pushed my close friend Jamie into the stream of water being sprayed from a float.

I'm with my youngest nephew Tage, who always has a Kool-Aid stain on his mouth. :)

Dylan's first ever carnival ride was the carousel. He loved it.

Dylan's second carnival ride was the elephant cars. He hated it.

My niece Olivia pushing Dylan to the rides.

Marc, sporting his "Canistota" shirt, and Dylan on Main Street.

My cousin Todd and Marc (in back) working the Lions Club foodstand.
The kids compete in a series of races...for money. (Isn't that funny?)

My mom, grandma, brother, nephews and Dylan spectating.

My family, getting ready for the fireworks show.

Fireworks before the fireworks: nephew Tage and niece Olivia doing some sparklers before the show began.
The All-School Reunion and Banquet - singing our school song. :)

My classmates Travis and Troy.
Some pics from my family reunion....

Grandpa and Grandma with all 8 grandchildren and all 11 great-grandchildren.

My (pregnant!!) sister Nicole, brother Ryan and me.

Dylan loved exercising his new walking skills.

My niece Kalli and Dylan.

Cousins Lindsay and Holli (sisters) with their beautiful baby girls.

Sisters - me, Nicole, and our cousins Tonya and Tammy.

Olivia and Dylan were pals throughout the trip.

My brother, sister and kids played a quick round of softball before leaving the reunion.
A girlfriends reunion....

So many of my best girlfriends were home from all over the US. We had brunch together Saturday morning. Here I am with Sarah, Jamie, Emily, Shiloh and Stef. So great to be with "old" friends.

Our travel buddy Dylan. He traveled so well!