The timing was appropriate for Dylan, whose name happens to be Irish, to meet his Caifano relatives - at the family's annual St. Patrick's Day dinner at Grandpa and Grandma's home.
Around 6 p.m. on Friday evening, we packed our bags...and our baby...and loaded the car to go home. Marc said he hadn't driven so carefully since his driver's ed test in high school!
In the middle of a snow-filled winter week in Chicago, Dylan Russell Caifano was born at 2:14 p.m., clocking in at 6lb. 14 oz. and measuring 20 3/4 in.
I am Kim, a 30 something wife to Marc and mom to Dylan, Elle and Carston. This blog is a journal of my everyday life - all things heart and home. My hope is that it would help loved ones stay connected, offer a little entertainment, and point people to our loving God along the way.
Emma's Turn to Blog
This is stuff Emma gets to blog.
Lauren and I read *I Survived Hurricane Katrina 2005*. There is a part in
the book were a boy named Barry is goin...
our own little picasso
Luke loves to paint! He practically wants to do it every day. His favorite
color is blue, so that is typically the first color to get used up, but
then he ...